I have been a Circle of Trust® facilitator, offering retreats and workshops for personal and professional renewal at colleges, universities, K-12 schools, and retreat sites throughout the country, since 2007. In my retreats I utilize reflection, journaling, meditation, creative arts, and sharing to help participants connect with the still small voice inside for clarity, strength and guidance.


An image that captures my role as facilitator is that of a basket. I hold space for participants in my retreats so they can do their inner work. As a basket I have the strength to hold participants and the spaces between the fibers to let their hard stuff fall through. I also aim to bring beauty to my retreat. This both mirrors the beauty of participants and provides them a beautiful environment in which to work.

As a Circle of Trust® facilitator, I design retreats and other events using the principles and practices developed by education innovator Parker J. Palmer, who founded the Center for Courage & Renewal. Parker has written extensively on the value of living an “undivided life,” in which one’s Soul and one's role are deeply connected; and I believe it is vital to live so that my work is aligned with my values and to help others align their work and values, as well.